I have asked a various of people their opinion on my double page spread so I know the strengths and weaknesses of this mock. In addition, how I can improve it for when I make my final product. The feedback which included what the strengths and weaknesses were on my mock up. A strength of my product according to the people I asked was that, they liked how I have used a various of fonts; they said it helps to make the magazine look more eye-catching. They said that having the names labeled on the smaller pictures can make mock up look more professional. In addition, it can give people who don't know the band an idea about who they are. Some weaknesses of this mock up is that the some of the text is too small - so it is hard to read. Another weakness which they said is that they don't like the font colours red and blue - as they said it is too contrasting and can distract your attention from the article.
I am going to then ask people the strengths and weaknesses of my mock up are. A strength which I got from feedback is, that the bright colours are good as they catch your attention. They liked how I had used the band's logo as part of my font. However the weaknesses of this mock up is that is that the font which I have used for the interview is too small so this makes it hard to read. In addition, as I have used bright colour for the text and it is hard to read the writing. To improve this in future if I have a black background I should use white text as it will make the text clearer to read.
I am going to get feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of this mock up. A strength of this mock up is that it is good that the image is one page - as you can see the singer clearer. In addition it show that this interview is all about her. However this could be seen as a weakness as having an image just for one page, can be seen as taking up too much space. The feedback I got said they liked how I have used a various of fonts. However a weakness of this mock up is that the text writing is too small - making it hard to read. Furthermore, the amount of different coloured text can be seen as a weakness as it can draw the reader's attention away from the article.
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