Thursday, 17 October 2013

Planning - Colour Scheme Ideas for my Masthead

As well for my masthead I will need to think able apporiate colour scheme which I will link into the genre alternative. I will research this by looking at other alternative magazines and see which colour schemes are common to use. I would like to use the colours red, purple, blacks and maybe a dark blue. I like the idea of using maybe a bright colour to contrast with all the darker colours. I will need to use the colours from the masthead as part of my house style to show that I have an organised house style. In addition, this will make my magazine look more professional.

I have tried using different colours with my masthead to see which one would go well on a magazine.

I think that if I had my masthead in red then it would work quite well as the red is eye-catching. The colour red can be seen as danger and quite harsh and links into the word as "infectious" is seen as a negative word. In addition, it sounds harsh. However a weakness of using red as a colour is that not all coloured backgrounds go well with this colour. Although I could place banner behind the masthead or have a black outline going around the words.

I think that the colour blue would be an okay colour to use. As it colour is slightly bright so it would catch the audienes' attention. Furthermore it looks quite well on different colour backgrounds. However I don't want to use it as a background because it isn't as eye-catching as the colour red.
I think that the colour purple would be an okay colour to use because the colour purple is quite bright. However it wouldn't be a good colour to use as it can be seen more of a feminine colour and might be not be
associated with the genre of my magazine.

The colour black would be a good colour to use as seen as a darker colour and this would work with the style of my magazine. However the colour black is used quite a lot and it could become quite plain. I want my masthead to catch the audiences' attention.

In the end I think I will use the colour red for my masthead as it is the most eye-catching out of all the colours. In addition, I think the colour red links into the music genre which I am doing better than any of the other colours.

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